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Oh no, not a dissertation!!

So, here we are. At the beginning of what will seem like an endless task of research and exploration, surely this is just going to suck.... right??

Well, that's what I though to start with. Writing has never been a strong point for me and words don't come easily. But, and its a big one. When your told that you can explore any subject that you feel you want to gain a thorough understanding of, something happens, a spark of excitement inside flairs up and before you know it, your 15 research papers deep, bough 10 books on the subject and listening to podcasts and audiobooks whenever you can.

My chosen topic was Biophilia, well you could say Biophilic Design but then you could break it down into how I want to use Biophilia to design and create homes that have the potential to heal and improve general wellbeing.

This what seemed like a simple topic took me on a world of exploration, it took me into the studies of quantum mechanics, forest bathing in Japan, office studies around the world and most importantly it took me home.

What I learned from my dissertation is that you never really know a subject until you understand a subject. Look at it objectively, explore the how's and why's, love it, hate and in the end I assure you, you will understand it.

What would I have done differently??

Well, for starters I would of full understood what a Literature view was and how to put it together before getting too carried away. With my over keen head on, I just started writing waffle that definitely had a use, just not in this dissertation!

I would also figure out exactly what information I would use as a matrix to present my case earlier on in the process, this would allow more prep-time.

Apart from those things, I have no other regrets. It was an exciting and informative piece of work that I enjoyed doing.

I wish you luck if your embarking on writing a paper, an article, or even just a blog post. Have fun and do it because you love it!!

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