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Final Year Design - What would I have done differently

Updated: May 11, 2021

With the end of the year design submission nearing, I take a look back at what I would of done differently if given the choice.

The first thing would of been to choose a different building, although I thoroughly enjoyed applying retro-fitting practices to an existing building, I feel I could of had more to show with a new house design.

my passion and driving internal force is figuring out how we can integrate the built environment with nature, how can we change the way we live to help support all living things on earth, not just humans.

So, I would of liked to really push and explore that area of study. Well, I guess that will give me something to do once I graduate.

Its been a tough old ride, but one well worth it.

The project I chose was something that I also have a passion for; creating more efficient homes. However, through the design process I began to learn that Passivhaus method may not be the answer we are all looking for. In fact, in a world that is ever warming, is it right to construct houses that don‘t really have a viable cooling strategy other than opening the window?!?

I feel that my journey after I finish uni will hopefully help me to discover and explore these subject areas more, as someone that has a passion for creating homes and an environment for all to thrive, I’m looking forward to amalgamating all of my knowledge and passions.

The process has had its ups and downs, with the ups being amazing and the lows a you can imagine. I can tell you in all honesty that the end result is worth the effort you have applied, it is only when you have pushed yourself to learn and develop the skills that are necessary that you will truly grow as an individual. Its been a tough old ride, but one well worth it.

Would I go on to do a Masters?? Well if I had the time and didn't have all of the other commitments I currently have, then yes, without a doubt. Should you?? Well, only you can answer that, the only guidance I can offer, is be guided by what drives you, what gets you excited and make sure its something you want for yourself and nobody else.

Until next time my friends..... See you soon!!

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